Extensive services that protect marine enviroment through a circular model of zero-waste.

Our Group establishes Corporate Environmental Responsibility.

Both at sea and on land, we follow a regenerative approach whereby residue is collected and treated in accordance with the requirements of International Regulations, with the purpose of promoting its reuse through recycling. Adhering to the principles of circular economy, we are committed to creating added value to the resources we manage, while achieving maximum reuse, through the recovery of hydrocarbons, while eliminating waste generation, marine pollution and carbon dioxide emissions.

Find out more about our services, and learn more about our innovative, patented platform for zero-waste procedures.


Hydrocarbon recovery

Sludge treatment & stabilization

Treatment of industrial residues

Management of exploration and exploitation waste

Waste management of lubricating oils

Chemical residue management

Tank cleaning

Hazardous residues transfer stations


We advocate for the efficient use of natural resources. Operating under the principles of the circular economy, we pay special attention to the recovery of energy from waste.  Our treatment operations are underpinned by a sustainable approach whereby no new waste is generated, and energy is recovered optimally in the form of alternative fuels.

Governed by the “Collection – Treatment – Recycle” framework, oil is recovered efficiently from the treated oily waste and is subsequently used as a commercial product. Once the treatment process is finalized, the end-product constitutes a high-quality standard oil product which is used primarily as an input to the production processes of oil companies and to the refining process of oil terminals and refineries.


We aim at recovering the hydrocarbons from oil containing sludges in an environmentally sound manner, producing recycled circular carbon fuels ready for use by industrial units, refineries, smelters etc. thus promoting the notion of circular economy via hydrocarbon recycling and preserving the valuable finite resources.

Similarly, circular solid fuels and raw materials are also being produced through the treatment of oily sludges. In this way, these waste streams are prevented from contaminating the environment whilst at the same time a valuable mean of reducing the CO2 footprint of established industrial processes is provided.


HEC Group provides exemplary services of superior quality in major European ports such as Piraeus, Hamburg, Gibraltar and Valletta.


HEC is one of the largest companies in the waste management sector worldwide, with many years of experience